12.370 kr.
Álfur is 30 cm high, weighs 30 kg and is therefore suitable on top of frost-free soil as a base under sun decks.
30.880 kr.
Álfur Plús+ er 40 cm hár, vegur 80 kg og hentar því vel ofan jarðar vegna stærðar á grunnfleti.
21.640 kr.
Purkur is 60 cm, weighs 50 kg and is suitable when buried as a base under sun decks and fences.
25.780 kr.
Teitur is 80 cm high, weighs 65 kg and is suitable when buried as a base for fences, cottages and more.
18.279 kr.
Hnerrir is 15 cm high, weighs 60 kg and is suitable on top of frost-free soil where space is limited.