Dvergarnir.is er netverslun sem auðveldar neytendum að finna endingargóða og auðvelda lausn til að leysa sitt verkefni. Allar vörur á Dvergarnir.is eru með fría heimsendingu sem þýðir að verðið sem þú sérð á síðunni er verðið sem þú greiðir miðað við að varan er komin heim að dyrum til þín.

Íslandshús ehf, framleiðandi Dvergana, á til fjölmargar lausnir sem henta stærri verkefnum fyrir fyrirtæki, verktaka og sveitarfélög. Upplýsingar um heildar vöruúrval fyrirtækisins er að finna á vefsíðu Íslandshús ehf. 


This is how you choose a complete solution for the sun deck or fence

Step 1

Select a element that suits the work

Step 2

Select a connector for your intended use

Step 3

Select a bolt or threaded rod for attachement

Step 4

Select bolts to attach poles and beams

Step 5

Select to pick up or get sent to your door

This is how you choose a complete solution for the sun deck or fence

Step 1

Select a element that suits the work

Step 2

Select a connector for your intended use

Step 3

Select a bolt or threaded rod for attachement

Step 4

Select bolts to attach poles and beams

Step 5

Select to pick up or get sent to your door

Product categories

Composite total solutions

19.957 kr.

Composit product with everything for 45 mm (2") beam.

29.227 kr.

Composit product with everything for 45 mm (2") beam.

34.350 kr.

Composit product with everything for 95x95 mm (4") pole.

38.490 kr.

Composit product with everything for 95x95 mm (4") pole.

52.640 kr.

Composite product with everything to attach a trailer.




12.370 kr.

Álfur is 30 cm high, weighs 30 kg and is therefore suitable on top of frost-free soil as a base under sun decks.



21.640 kr.

Purkur is 60 cm, weighs 50 kg and is suitable when buried as a base under sun decks and fences.



25.780 kr.

Teitur is 80 cm high, weighs 65 kg and is suitable when buried as a base for fences, cottages and more.



18.279 kr.

Hnerrir is 15 cm high, weighs 60 kg and is suitable on top of frost-free soil where space is limited.



30.880 kr.

Álfur Plús+ er 40 cm hár, vegur 80 kg og hentar því vel ofan jarðar vegna stærðar á grunnfleti.


5.701 kr.

Mount for 45 mm (2") beam.

6.377 kr.

Mount for 95 mm (4") beam.

5.840 kr.

All around mount for beams and other foundations.

10.279 kr.

Mount for 95x95 mm pole.

11.053 kr.

Mount for 95x95 mm pole with bracket for 45 mm beam.

12.066 kr.

Mount for 95x95 mm pole with 2 brackets for 45 mm beams.

12.066 kr.

Mount for 95x95 mm pole with 2 brackets for 45 mm beams.

13.298 kr.

Mount for 95x95 mm pole with 3 brackets for 45 mm beams.

6.689 kr.

Mount for 95x95 mm pole.

7.063 kr.

Plate with holes for screws and bolts for fastening.

11.370 kr.

Anchor for wooden poles in low fences.

21.760 kr.

Fits all elements.

Threaded rods and bolts

Threaded rods and bolts

BOLT M10x60 HG. and NUT

698 kr.

For fastening 45 mm (2" planed) beams

Threaded rods and bolts

BOLT M10x110 HG. and NUT

796 kr.

For fastening beams or poles that are 95 mm width (4" planed).

Threaded rods and bolts

BOLT M16x50 HG with 2 washers

839 kr.

Bolt for fastening connectors onto elements.

2.640 kr.

Lifting anchor for lifting and moving elements.

1.188 kr.

10 cm long threaded rod with track.

1.384 kr.

15 cm long threaded rod with track.

1.493 kr.

20 cm long threaded rod with track.

Threaded rods and bolts


3.530 kr.

100 cm long threaded rod to cut down.

Threaded rods and bolts

NUT M16 HG 8.8 HG

90 kr.

M16 nut for M16 threaded rods.

Threaded rods and bolts

INSERT M16 HG with rebar

2.409 kr.

16 mm insert with 8 mm rebar that is 2x30 cm long.

Threaded rods and bolts

Hjálp – lyftistöng

10.718 kr.

Lyftistöng til að færa og stilla stólpum.